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15 Minutes Morning Yoga Routine for Beginners


Our mornings can be really hectic. Some of us jump off to an alarm and start rushing here and there to get going for the day. Others start the day groggily and lazily and aimlessly.

Yoga can be refreshing and rejuvenating for your body and mind. Yoga can do wonders to bring peace and solace to your body. Yoga can make you feel energised and also helps you to eliminate any kind of negative aura.

Moreover, you do not need hours and hours of fidgeting on a mat to achieve this peace and harmony. Fifteen minutes of morning yoga can boost you up for the rest of the day.

So you are deciding to roll your mats out and try out yoga for the first time. But you don’t know where to start from. Get on the mat with us as we tell you how to get started.

Benefits of Doing Morning Yoga

Yoga can do wonders for your body. Fifteen minutes of daily yoga can help you achieve a healthy state of mind and body and keep you active and fresh throughout the day. Researches have shown that yoga is suitable for both men and women and improve many aspects of life. It helps you get more productive, fit and less stressed. Here are some more benefits of morning yoga.

1. Decreases Stress

Doing yoga relaxes you mentally and physically. It reduces the number of stress hormones and also helps to generate happy hormones. Hence, you are less likely to feel anxiety and stress. You can do your daily work with positive energy and handle problems with a calm mind.

2. Fixes appetite

Your food cravings get limited when you start doing regular yoga. As it decreases stress and anxiety, which can be the significant reason for abnormal eating, you don’t need stress eating or binge eating. Yoga increases your mindfulness, and you become more conscious to eat healthy food.

3. Improves posture

Doing daily yoga help you sit and stand in proper postures. Yoga assists you in walking taller and sit straighter at the desk. Yoga can reduce any sorts of body pain, especially back and shoulder pain. Most yoga is done with keeping your body straight and flexibly moving your body. All of this increases the posture of your body.

4. Increases flexibility

Yoga slowly and gradually increases your body flexibility. It makes you move in a flow and stretches your muscles. This helps you to move better and feel less tired. There are poses of yoga that you can at your compatibility, and you do not have to do complex positions right away. Instead, you can start easy at first and then do more challenging poses. In this way, you can build up your body flexibility. A few minutes of posing like a warrior and downward-facing like a dog can improve your flexibility.

5. Builds strength

Yoga is not only about spirituality and meditation. It relaxes your body but makes your bodywork. Daily yoga session helps stretch tone up your muscles. Your muscles can endure more strengths. There are poses likes planks in yoga which contributes to strengthening the abdomen, legs and arms muscle.

6. Helps losing weight

You do not have to spend hours in the gym or doing complex yoga asanas to start losing weight. A fifteen-minute of light yoga session every day can trigger your weight loss. As yoga makes your muscle moves and gets your body into a relaxed position, you are more comfortable moving around and staying active. Yoga also makes you mindful of what kind of food makes you feel well and directs you to have a healthier diet. All of this adds up to create your calories burn here and there.

So Where Do We Begin

Start your days with yoga. You do not have to sacrifice your sleep or push away your other work that calls for your attention. Get up, freshen up, spread your mat like a butterfly, take just fifteen of the day for yourself. Just beginning your day by connecting to your body will help you positive and energetic the rest of the day. Make sure you have an empty stomach and avoid drinking water too. Follow the steps and welcome your peace and positivity:

Step 1: Get into position.

Find the most silent, airy and secluded space where you can do yoga at your home. Turn off your phone or turn it quiet so that no one can disturb you. Set boundaries with roommates or family member just for that 15 minutes. Stand straight, unfurl your yoga mat or find a flat surface where you can sit comfortably.

Step 2: Padmasana

Sit cross-legged and comfortably, ensure that your hips are positioned higher than your knees. This will, in turn, help you keep your spinal cord straight. Position your hands on your lap. Relax your shoulder and close your eyes. Start taking slow and deep breaths. Get in the rhythm of your breathing. Feel how your nose and lungs are taking in the air and how your chest and belly move up. When you are almost complete, pause, then slowly start exhaling. Take time to notice how your body deflates while exhaling the air. Take in the silence and peace and continue doing this for 2-3 minutes.

This pose will help you ease into the yoga process and also allow you to tune your mind with your body.

Step 3: Head to knee forward bend or Janu pose

Keep sitting on the mat and stretch your legs in front of you. Bend your right knees, bring the right foot close to your left inner thigh, and keep them connected. Now slowly keeping your left legs straight, bend down, try to touch and link your hands around your left foot. Connect your forehead to your left knees. Make sure the left knee doesn’t bend. Slowly and deeply, breathe three to five times in this position or for 2-3 minutes.

Repeat the process keeping the right leg straight and bending the left legs

This position stretches your spine, shoulders, hamstrings, and groins. It helps to calm your brain down, stimulates kidney and liver and improves digestion. You can also decrease high blood pressure, fix insomnia and relieve yourself from anxiety by doing this pose.

Step 4: Cat-Cow Pose

Get on your hand and knees. Position your shoulder so that it is aligned with your wrist. Keep your wrist flat on the floor, with your fingers spread, so that it perfectly supports your arms straight and shoulder. Position your hip directly above your knees. Make sure your back is straight. Now inhale for the cow pose, face and tail bone lift upward, and your back and belly arch downward. Do not overstretch your neck. Now slowly exhale into a cat pose; your spine aches upward, and your head and tailbone bend downward. Chin tucked in toward the chest, and belly is hollowed.

Repeat this pose for five deep breaths or 2-3 minutes.

This position helps to warm up your back and spinal cord after a long night’s sleep. It relaxes your muscles.

Step-5: Planks

Get on your wrist and toes. Lift your whole body with the support of your wrist and toes. Ensure that your hands are shoulder distance apart. Keep your back straight, and make sure your knees and elbows don’t bend. The shoulder should be aligned over the wrist and keep your belly tucked in. Try to hold this position for at least 30 seconds and repeat it at least four times.

This is a great way to lose your belly fat and strengthen your arms and legs.

Step 6- Side Bend

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Now stand straight. Keep your legs hips apart. Raise your hand straight and interlace your fingers of your hands. Inhale and bend your left side slowly. Exhale and rise up straight. Do the same thing on the right side. Repeat the process for 2-3 minutes. As you bend on one side, your other side stretches, you can feel your ribs move away from your waist.

Step 7- Chair pose

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Begin by standing with your feet together and your arms at your sides. While bending knees and sitting back as if dropping into a chair, raise hands overhead, palms facing in until biceps are by your ears. Take five deep breaths and hold them. Repeat for 2-3 minutes

Breathe deeply and find the energy that radiates from your fingertips.

Step 8: Lay down and relax

Lay on your back and bend your knees and keep your feet flat on the floor. Now put the left hand on the heart and the right hand on the stomach. Then straighten your hands to the side and straighten your legs. Relax like this 2-3 minutes. Reflect on the things that you did, relax and plan out what you are supposed to do for the day.

Get Yourself on the Mat

Follow these easy steps to prepare yourself for each day. These positions are light to do and give you a fresh start every day. You are all ready to set your first step on the yoga mat. Remember, it is the small steps that give you the power to take more significant steps.

March 14, 2024

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