Unit 1 - About the course |
Introduction to the course |
00:30:00 |
Unit 2 - Analytical geometry in the space |
The plane R^2 and the 3-space R^3: points and vectors |
00:25:00 |
Distance between points |
00:08:00 |
Vectors and their products |
00:04:00 |
Dot product |
00:14:00 |
Cross product |
00:13:00 |
Scalar triple product |
00:07:00 |
Describing reality with numbers; geometry and physics |
00:06:00 |
Straight lines in the plane |
00:08:00 |
Planes in the space |
00:13:00 |
Straight lines in the space |
00:08:00 |
Unit 3 - Conic Units: circle, ellipse, parabola, hyperbola |
Conic Units, an introduction |
00:06:00 |
Quadratic curves as conic Units |
00:10:00 |
Definitions by distance |
00:17:00 |
Cheat sheets |
00:04:00 |
Circle and ellipse, theory |
00:19:00 |
Parabola and hyperbola, theory |
00:12:00 |
Completing the square |
00:04:00 |
Completing the square, problems 1 and 2 |
00:12:00 |
Completing the square, problem 3 |
00:10:00 |
Completing the square, problems 4 and 5 |
00:08:00 |
Completing the square, problems 6 and 7 |
00:08:00 |
Unit 4 - Quadric surfaces: spheres, cylinders, cones, ellipsoids, paraboloids etc |
Quadric surfaces, an introduction |
00:16:00 |
Degenerate quadrics |
00:17:00 |
Ellipsoids |
00:08:00 |
Paraboloids |
00:16:00 |
Hyperboloids |
00:25:00 |
Problems 1 and 2 |
00:09:00 |
Problem 3 |
00:07:00 |
Problems 4 and 5 |
00:10:00 |
Problem 6 |
00:06:00 |
Unit 5 - Topology in R^n |
Neighborhoods |
00:07:00 |
Open, closed, and bounded sets |
00:14:00 |
Identify sets, an introduction |
00:04:00 |
Example 1 |
00:06:00 |
Example 2 |
00:06:00 |
Example 3 |
00:05:00 |
Example 4 |
00:06:00 |
Example 5 |
00:04:00 |
Example 6 and 7 |
00:06:00 |
Unit 6 - Coordinate systems |
Different coordinate systems |
00:02:00 |
Polar coordinates in the plane |
00:11:00 |
An important example |
00:07:00 |
Solving 3 problems |
00:19:00 |
Cylindrical coordinates in the space |
00:03:00 |
Problem 1 |
00:03:00 |
Problem 2 |
00:02:00 |
Problem 3 |
00:04:00 |
Problem 4 |
00:04:00 |
Spherical coordinates in the space |
00:08:00 |
Some examples |
00:08:00 |
Conversion |
00:08:00 |
Problem 1 |
00:08:00 |
Problem 2 |
00:12:00 |
Problem 3 |
00:11:00 |
Problem 4 |
00:07:00 |
Unit 7 - Vector-valued functions, introduction |
Curves: an introduction |
00:10:00 |
Functions: repetition |
00:08:00 |
Functions: repetition |
00:08:00 |
Vector-valued functions, parametric curves: domain |
00:08:00 |
Unit 8 - Some examples of parametrisation |
Vector-valued functions, parametric curves |
00:11:00 |
An intriguing example |
00:14:00 |
Problem 1 |
00:12:00 |
Problem 2 |
00:13:00 |
Problem 3 |
00:15:00 |
Problem 4, helix |
00:09:00 |
Unit 9 - Vector-valued calculus; curve: continuous, differentiable, and smooth |
Notation |
00:05:00 |
Limit and continuity |
00:09:00 |
Derivatives |
00:14:00 |
Speed, acceleration |
00:08:00 |
Position, velocity, acceleration: an example |
00:06:00 |
Smooth and piecewise smooth curves |
00:09:00 |
Sketching a curve |
00:15:00 |
Sketching a curve: an exercise |
00:16:00 |
Example 1 |
00:11:00 |
Example 2 |
00:16:00 |
Example 3 |
00:10:00 |
Extra theory: limit and continuity |
00:19:00 |
Extra theory: derivative, tangent, and velocity |
00:13:00 |
Differentiation rules |
00:27:00 |
Differentiation rules, example 1 |
00:19:00 |
Differentiation rules: example 2 |
00:19:00 |
Position, velocity, acceleration, example 3 |
00:15:00 |
Position and velocity, one more example |
00:15:00 |
Trajectories of planets |
00:13:00 |
Unit 10 - Arc length |
Parametric curves: arc length |
00:15:00 |
Arc length: problem 1 |
00:11:00 |
Arc length: problems 2 and 3 |
00:15:00 |
Arc length: problems 4 and 5 |
00:13:00 |
Unit 11 - Arc length parametrisation |
Parametric curves: parametrisation by arc length |
00:10:00 |
Parametrisation by arc length, how to do it, example 1 |
00:12:00 |
Parametrisation by arc length, example 2 |
00:22:00 |
Arc length does not depend on parametrisation, theory |
00:14:00 |
Unit 12 - Real-valued functions of multiple variables |
Functions of several variables, introduction |
00:09:00 |
Introduction, continuation 1 |
00:14:00 |
Introduction, continuation 2 |
00:08:00 |
Domain |
00:06:00 |
Domain, problem solving part 1 |
00:18:00 |
Domain, problem solving part 2 |
00:13:00 |
Domain, problem solving part 3 |
00:15:00 |
Functions of several variables, graphs |
00:14:00 |
Plotting functions of two variables, problems part 1 |
00:16:00 |
Plotting functions of two variables, problems part 2 |
00:12:00 |
Level curves |
00:14:00 |
Level curves, problem 1 |
00:10:00 |
Level curves, problem 2 |
00:08:00 |
Level curves, problem 3 |
00:09:00 |
Level curves, problem 4 |
00:14:00 |
Level curves, problem 5 |
00:16:00 |
Level surfaces, definition and problem solving |
00:20:00 |
Unit 13 - Limit, continuity |
Limit and continuity, part 1 |
00:18:00 |
Limit and continuity, part 2 |
00:15:00 |
Limit and continuity, part 3 |
00:20:00 |
Problem solving 1 |
00:25:00 |
Problem solving 2 |
00:18:00 |
Problem solving 3 |
00:20:00 |
Problem solving 4 |
00:15:00 |
Unit 14 - Partial derivative, tangent plane, normal line, gradient, Jacobian |
Introduction 1: definition and notation |
00:10:00 |
Introduction 2: arithmetical consequences |
00:12:00 |
Introduction 3: geometrical consequences (tangent plane) |
00:13:00 |
Introduction 4: partial derivatives not good enough |
00:06:00 |
Introduction 5: a pretty terrible example |
00:15:00 |
Tangent plane, part 1 |
00:07:00 |
Normal vector |
00:15:00 |
Tangent plane part 2: normal equation |
00:09:00 |
Normal line |
00:08:00 |
Tangent planes, problem 1 |
00:14:00 |
Tangent planes, problem 2 |
00:13:00 |
Tangent planes, problem 3 |
00:16:00 |
Tangent planes, problem 4 |
00:09:00 |
Tangent planes, problem 5 |
00:11:00 |
The gradient |
00:11:00 |
A way of thinking about functions from R^n to R^m |
00:11:00 |
The Jacobian |
00:14:00 |
Unit 15 - Higher partial derivatives |
Introduction |
00:15:00 |
Definition and notation |
00:07:00 |
Mixed partials, Hessian matrix |
00:13:00 |
The difference between Jacobian matrices and Hessian matrices |
00:08:00 |
Equality of mixed partials; Schwarz’ theorem |
00:09:00 |
Schwarz’ theorem: Peano’s example |
00:06:00 |
Schwarz’ theorem: the proof |
00:19:00 |
Partial Differential Equations, introduction |
00:04:00 |
Partial Differential Equations, basic ideas |
00:11:00 |
Partial Differential Equations, problem solving |
00:13:00 |
Laplace equation and harmonic functions 1 |
00:08:00 |
Laplace equation and harmonic functions 2 |
00:06:00 |
Laplace equation and Cauchy-Riemann equations |
00:11:00 |
Dirichlet problem |
00:07:00 |
Unit 16 - Chain rule: different variants |
A general introduction |
00:17:00 |
Variants 1 and 2 |
00:10:00 |
Variant 3 |
00:18:00 |
Variant 3 (proof) |
00:11:00 |
Variant 4 |
00:09:00 |
Example with a diagram |
00:04:00 |
Problem solving |
00:08:00 |
Problem solving, problem 1 |
00:04:00 |
Problem solving, problem 2 |
00:09:00 |
Problem solving, problem 3 |
00:33:00 |
Problem solving, problem 4 |
00:15:00 |
Problem solving, problem 6 |
00:09:00 |
Problem solving, problem 7 |
00:06:00 |
Problem solving, problem 5 |
00:28:00 |
Problem solving, problem 8 |
00:18:00 |
Unit 17 - Linear approximation, linearisation, differentiability, differential |
Linearisation and differentiability in Calc1 |
00:11:00 |
Differentiability in Calc3: introduction |
00:15:00 |
Differentiability in two variables, an example |
00:10:00 |
Differentiability in Calc3 implies continuity |
00:10:00 |
Partial differentiability does NOT imply differentiability |
00:05:00 |
An example: continuous, not differentiable |
00:06:00 |
Differentiability in several variables, a test |
00:18:00 |
Differentiability, Partial Differentiability, and Continuity in Calc3 |
00:12:00 |
Differentiability in two variables, a geometric interpretation |
00:11:00 |
Linearization: two examples |
00:16:00 |
Linearization, problem solving 1 |
00:11:00 |
Linearization, problem solving 2 |
00:11:00 |
Linearization, problem solving 3 |
00:12:00 |
Linearization by Jacobian matrix, problem solving |
00:16:00 |
Differentials: problem solving 1 |
00:11:00 |
Differentials: problem solving 2 |
00:10:00 |
Unit 18 - Gradient, directional derivatives |
Gradient |
00:04:00 |
The gradient in each point is orthogonal to the level curve through the point |
00:08:00 |
The gradient in each point is orthogonal to the level surface through the point |
00:14:00 |
Tangent plane to the level surface, an example |
00:06:00 |
Directional derivatives, introduction |
00:06:00 |
Directional derivatives, the direction |
00:04:00 |
How to normalize a vector and why it works |
00:08:00 |
Directional derivatives, the definition |
00:07:00 |
Partial derivatives as a special case of directional derivatives |
00:05:00 |
Directional derivatives, an example |
00:11:00 |
Directional derivatives: important theorem for computations and interpretations |
00:10:00 |
Directional derivatives: an earlier example revisited |
00:05:00 |
Geometrical consequences of the theorem about directional derivatives |
00:10:00 |
Geometical consequences of the theorem about directional derivatives, an example |
00:07:00 |
Directional derivatives, an example |
00:11:00 |
Normal line and tangent line to a level curve: how to get their equations |
00:06:00 |
Normal line and tangent line to a level curve: their equations, an example |
00:14:00 |
Gradient and directional derivatives, problem 1 |
00:18:00 |
Gradient and directional derivatives, problem 2 |
00:20:00 |
Gradient and directional derivatives, problem 3 |
00:09:00 |
Gradient and directional derivatives, problem 4 |
00:04:00 |
Gradient and directional derivatives, problem 5 |
00:12:00 |
Gradient and directional derivatives, problem 6 |
00:10:00 |
Gradient and directional derivatives, problem 7 |
00:13:00 |
Unit 19 - Implicit functions |
What is the Implicit Function Theorem? |
00:13:00 |
Jacobian determinant |
00:04:00 |
Jacobian determinant for change to polar and to cylindrical coordinates |
00:07:00 |
Jacobian determinant for change to spherical coordinates |
00:09:00 |
Jacobian determinant and change of area |
00:10:00 |
The Implicit Function Theorem variant 1 |
00:08:00 |
The Implicit Function Theorem variant 1, an example |
00:15:00 |
The Implicit Function Theorem variant 2 |
00:10:00 |
The Implicit Function Theorem variant 2, example 1 |
00:07:00 |
The Implicit Function Theorem variant 2, example 2 |
00:14:00 |
The Implicit Function Theorem variant 3 |
00:15:00 |
The Implicit Function Theorem variant 3, an example |
00:12:00 |
The Implicit Function Theorem variant 4 |
00:11:00 |
The Inverse Function Theorem |
00:09:00 |
The Implicit Function Theorem, summary |
00:04:00 |
Notation in some unclear cases |
00:08:00 |
The Implicit Function Theorem, problem solving 1 |
00:27:00 |
The Implicit Function Theorem, problem solving 2 |
00:13:00 |
The Implicit Function Theorem, problem solving 3 |
00:07:00 |
The Implicit Function Theorem, problem solving 4 |
00:16:00 |
Unit 20 - Taylor’s formula, Taylor’s polynomial, quadratic forms |
Taylor’s formula, introduction |
00:10:00 |
Quadratic forms and Taylor’s polynomial of second degree |
00:22:00 |
Taylor’s polynomial of second degree, theory |
00:11:00 |
Taylor’s polynomial of second degree, example 1 |
00:07:00 |
Taylor’s polynomial of second degree, example 2 |
00:04:00 |
Taylor’s polynomial of second degree, example 3 |
00:11:00 |
Classification of quadratic forms (positive definite etc) |
00:12:00 |
Classification of quadratic forms, problem solving 1 |
00:08:00 |
Classification of quadratic forms, problem solving 2 |
00:14:00 |
Classification of quadratic forms, problem solving 3 |
00:10:00 |
Unit 21 - Optimization on open domains (critical points) |
Extreme values of functions of several variables |
00:12:00 |
Extreme values of functions of two variables, without computations |
00:10:00 |
Critical points and their classification (max, min, saddle) |
00:09:00 |
Second derivative test for C^3 functions of several variables |
00:12:00 |
Second derivative test for C^3 functions of two variables |
00:07:00 |
Critical points and their classification: some simple examples |
00:06:00 |
Critical points and their classification: more examples 1 |
00:05:00 |
Critical points and their classification: more examples 2 |
00:08:00 |
Critical points and their classification: more examples 3 |
00:10:00 |
Critical points and their classification: a more difficult example (4) |
00:47:00 |
Unit 22 - Optimization on compact domains |
Extreme values for continuous functions on compact domains |
00:06:00 |
Eliminate a variable on the boundary |
00:10:00 |
Parameterize the boundary |
00:08:00 |
Unit 23 - Lagrange multipliers (optimization with constraints) |
Lagrange multipliers 1 |
00:13:00 |
Lagrange multipliers 1, an old example revisited |
00:08:00 |
Lagrange multipliers 1, another example |
00:13:00 |
Lagrange multipliers 2 |
00:10:00 |
Lagrange multipliers 2, an example |
00:18:00 |
Lagrange multipliers 3 |
00:08:00 |
Lagrange multipliers 3, an example |
00:09:00 |
Summary: optimization |
00:07:00 |
Unit 24 - Final words |
The last one |
00:05:00 |
Assignment |
Assignment – Essential Calculus Training Masterclass |
00:00:00 |